
Welcome to the status and information page for the Chronicle “Ruthless” – a novella set in the Eve Online universe. This story was written by Tony Gonzales (the author of the Eve Online books The Empyrean Age and Templar One) during his time at CCP. At nearly one hundred pages in length, this will be the largest recording to date, involving over thirty separate actors and spanning two hours of recorded audio. There will be laughter, there will be tears… combat both hand-to-hand and ship-based, drunken gambling, beautiful courtesans, corporate and personal betrayal… this epic story has it all.

Work has already begun on recording. To date, the following people have finalized their participation, lending their voices to the project :

Adrian B
Aran Hotchkiss
Briana Holtsnider
Candace Cheyanne
Cathal Katelo
Cyrillian Voth
Danielle en Divalone
Elinari Rhodan
Hunter Cahill
Jacob Toczynski
Jayne Fillion
Joseph Mikus
Lucas Warner
Night Wing
NightCrawler 85
Random McNally
Sasha Nemtsov
Scott Von Clief
Stephen Giordano

The computer-generated voice in Chapter 2 was created via and is used with permission.

The project is now complete and available for download! This was a considerable amount of work by all involved and I thank you for your support!

The story itself can be found by either clicking here for the original version at the Eve Online site, or you can click here to read the story as a PDF file.
